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How impactful website design helped a Infrastructure development company 4 times more than the expected Initial Public Offering (IPO) subscriptions! within a cramped timeline


Global Education Limited is an educational consultancy firm, and they had reached out to us for redesigning their website. But, what distinguished this project from a regular redesigning job was the reason behind it. The company planned to launch an Initial Public Offering and wanted to revamp the website to appeal to and attract potential investors. This pool of end user was not a conventional target audience, and we figured that we’d have to restructure our entire design strategy. And honestly, the new challenge had our team’s adrenaline rushing!

Client and Story

Global Education Limited offers consultancy services to educational institutions. They have a clientele comprising major educational organizations all over the country. Their mission is to raise the quality of education in India. The firm provides skill development courses and management advisory services. Their courses are targeted to teachers, students, and other staff and divisions constituting an educational organization.

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The project came to us at the eleventh hour!

Website redesigns are not straining for our team but this one came to us at the nick of the time. The company had scheduled a date for their IPO launch and the window for us to set up a website was hauntingly insufficient!

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Assembling and attaining content was time consuming and complex

Along with the website’s redesign we were supposed to revise the entire content to make it appealing for future investors. But, the curveball here was that the organization was big, with multiple departments, and we had to reach out to them separately for different content pillars. Add this to the clock counting down like a ticking time-bomb. The entire situation felt like a scene straight out of a Mission Impossible movie!

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To deliver a content rich website

We wanted this website to be informative so that the interested visitors could not only effortlessly find all the information about the company but also be converted into investors. The client also had extensive plans post their IPO, wherein they were keen on putting out informative content, courses, and certifications for students, teaching faculty, and even the management. We wanted to factor in these plans during the website’s redesign and revamp.

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To facilitate the company’s IPO to be amply subscribed

In the modern digital era, for good or for bad, a company is only as good as their digital presence. A good website is indicative of a fully functional and even a profitable company. And we knew that we’d have to give this company’s website a fairy godmother kind of makeover to translate their true strength onto the digital world.

User Research

The end user in the case of this website redesign was the driving force behind the entire project. The sole aim was to attract investors and figuring this out was a starting point for us. But, we were not just focussed on the short term objective of garnering investments, and always had the bigger picture in our mind as well. The Global Education Limited was primarily catering to educational institutions and we never let that slip in the hustle of the incoming IPO launch.

Pain Points Identified by us

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The initial website was lagging severely on the content front. The website hardly conveyed anything about the organization and information wasn’t flowing logically.

The website had no set user journey and the interface was pretty dull.

Roles & Responsibilities

Our job was to redesign and develop the website and to do it fast. Very, very fast! We were also in-charge of revamping the content and deciding on what pieces of information to keep or chuck from the previous website.


UX Design

We are of the belief that end user is the centre and guiding force of any good UX design. An when we get to creating positive user experience, we gauge it by making sure that the end user can easily find relevant information that motivates them into a desirable action. Relevant information here was to effectively communicate the scope of this organisation and action was an IPO subscription. With this clarity in our objective we jumped on to the drawing board. We began with constructing user flows by penning down extensive mind maps. We choreographed seamless user journeys throughout multiple pages of the website.

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Next we jumped onto creating detailed wireframes for the distinct pages.

After our wireframes had laid out a basic layout of the website, we went on to develop prototypes.

After testing and validating our high fidelity prototypes, we had a fair idea of the final version of the website and it was time to jump into the UI part of the design process!

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UI Design

We were focused on keeping the user interface accessible and easily readable. We wanted the navigation around the website to be intuitive and were aiming for the visuals to be eye-ball grabbing, to a certain extent. To facilitate this we had kept the background airy and contrasted it with yellow and grey hues to absorb attention. The website was structured effectively and we employed graphics to further a positive user experience.

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Standout Achievement

We culminated our UX and UI designing stage to develop a website that was rich in utility and accessibility.
The significant improvement from the previous website was an immense achievement for us.

To be blunt, the old and the new website didn’t look much different from those before and after transformational Instagram posts of an interior designer. Don’t believe us? See for yourself!

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We had very little time to develop the website, and we unanimously decided to publish it on WordPress. The reason being that our core strength was developing WordPress-based websites, and only our seasoned WordPress Developers could assure an on-time development. Another big reason behind this decision was that WordPress was open-source and had numerous tutorials and guides available. The platform would also facilitate that the website was both scalable and long-term.

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Standout Achievement

We had set out to redesign this website before its IPO launch, to be able to attract ample investors. But what unfolded was both exceptional and astonishing.

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Global Education Ltd.’s IPO 82 times went on to be oversubscribed for




This was literally an unparalleled achievement. This was literally an unparalleled achievement. In fact, this was the highest subscribed IPO ever, in the history of the National Stock Exchange (NSE)! This historic victory for our client was a reason for jubilation for our team as well. We had successfully made the vision of the company shine bright in the digital landscape, and in the process facilitated desirable investor interactions. Have to say that our series of all-nighters and copious amount of coffee consumption had paid off cent percent! Or maybe 82 times more than that.

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We had an ambitious ask from this small team of creatives. To get us digitally ready for our IPO launch. We expected to have a decent website ready before the process, but we were in for a surprise of a lifetime! Team Zuku-X had, like magicians, completely revamped our digital presence despite strict timeline. Our IPOs ended up being oversubscribed eventually and this team had a major role to play in this unprecedented success.

Aditya Bhandari

Global Education Ltd.

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